If you have purchased a Product Activation Key from with the Trial Version of the product, please perform the steps in blue below:
1. Monitor for or locate the email from k8software.com with the subject line: “K8 Poker TournaManager Product Activation Key” and copy the key provided from the body of the email.
2. Launch K8 Poker TournaManager Deluxe application (.exe) and select Option 1 – [Activate Product]
3. Complete the top portion of the form (Enter email address used at the point of purchase)
4. Press TAB to advance to the EULA and Accept EULA and press [Save] (A device key will appear in the space below)
5. Click in the input field below the description for Step 2 and paste (i.e. Control + V) the key copied from Step 1 above.
6. Click [Activate Product] button and you’re off and running!
If you have NOT purchased a Product Activation Key from with the Trial Version of the product, please perform the steps in black below:
1. Click on the download link received via email from ECWID to save the compressed file to your laptop/PC hard drive
2. Extract contents & launch application (.exe) and Select Option 1 – [Get Activation Key]
3. Complete the top portion of the form (enter email address used at the time of purchase)
4. TAB to EULA and Accept EULA [Save]
5. If you have not already done so, you will need to submit a request for a Product Activation Key to register@k8software.com. If you have already received an activation email from admin@k8software.com, skip to Step 8, otherwise …
6. Open your email application and then click in the body of the email and hold the CTRL Key and press V. This will paste all information required for product activation into the email body.
7. Address the email TO: register@k8software.com and enter ACTIVATE in the subject line and click SEND
8. Wait 3-5 minutes and then check your email inbox for an email from K8software.com * If you do not receive this email, check your SPAM and JUNK folders
9. Once you have received the Product Activation email from k8software.com, copy the Activation Key from the body of the email and paste it into the input field of the Activation Form within the product.10. Click [Activate Product] button and you’re off and running!